Monday, June 29, 2009

Savage Valley-Pre Vis.

This is some stuff from a short comic book story I've been working on. Just trying to figure out the look of the environment and characters. Man, do I love thumbnails.


Supaman25 said...

Hey Jason its JASON! lol hey man again you have amazing work and to be honest you have inspired me just as much as the gnome event it self. Let me know how the job interviews go bro!

Joanne said...

Hi Jason! It's Joanne from Digital Imaging. It's neat seeing how your thumbnails develop - I remember you demoing a little with the guy on the bike. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your comic book story come together. =)

Ying Chen said...

Hey, Jason, this is Linda :) good to see recent updates, and the thumbnails are awesome~

Eric Garcia said...

Hey Jason!
This is Eric from your 8:30 Monday class. I've finally gotten a chance to check our your blog in full, and everything is really amazing. I really enjoy your personal style and old-worldish subject matter. Keep up the good work!

Graham Ross said...

Your toenails feel left out ;)

Hope you're doing well man!

Unknown said...


Rick Kitagawa said...

Lovin' the color palatte and the overall compositions of your thumbs. Keep rockin it man!


sweet line up...he could use a dry cleaning on his cape though, starch?

Emerson Tung said...

i remember these.. was sad that we weren't able to see the final compilation of everything.. oh well, at least it's here now! :D

Anh Lu said...

Hi Jason,

I was summiting my evals when I came across your blog, You Rock! love your work! hope to see more.

Paul T. said...

Hey man, wicked stuff, and thanks for the great semester. I honestly learned a lot from digital ill, and perhaps most importantly just got completely comfortable within the medium. So yeah, thanks again, have a good break and merry christmas :D

Eve Skylar said...

You work is mind-blowing.

Eve Skylar said...

You work is mind-blowing.